One of the traits majority of Ugandans have persisted to carry from time immemorial is the impressive ability to ignore the serious element of any law. If anything when laws are passed in Uganda, some folks look for the trivial or comic part of  the legislation, laugh it off and then cast bets on how long this would survive. So this is the attitude we flung to the ‘Helmets are mandatory’ and the ‘Wearing seat belts is compulsory’ legislation. And for years we lived in our easy law mockery life with all these rules and laws not existing for long. Then alas Mzee Museveni our President made an appointment. I know Ugandans who laughed at this too and thought this was the same old story…same people in different clothes. This iron lady from the Revenue Authority was a no nonsense lawyer who had come to clean up the city as its new Executive Director. It is still thanks to Jeniffer Musisi that most Ugandans had learnt that when the law states something, doing the reverse has repercussions and sanctions. That the Law is not a mere desire but a biting dog indeed. As Ugandans were learning to take Law seriously Museveni made another appointment, he appointed a Priest. He appointed a Priest to be a Minister. So a Catholic Reverend Father who is confined to celibacy is appointed Minister of Ethics and Integrity. I have no serious issue with Lokodo but am of the view that even Ethics ought to be handled by a balanced individual. For instance Ms Miria Matembe once held the same position in the good old days before she had disagreed with her old boss the President. Getting a priest for the job was too…one sided in my opinion. It lacked the required balance.
So in office now Ethics and Integrity minister brought in place what I would call the ‘Lokodo Agenda’. Suppress all your human sexual desires like as though you are in a seminary and pretend to be saints. His first official duty was the Anti-Pornography Act. A law that forbids anything that would arouse sexual interest being on public display. I found it a little archaic because being the 21st Century; I found that it rather took us back to the Amin time. I believe that Uganda has many more urgent problems than what people put out despite the need to protect our little ones. As long as one is above 18,I believe the concentration should be on shelter, security, medical care and what other services the government should ensure the citizens receive. This law was so controversial because of the interpretation that all hooligans and idlers around the city got. To them it was a chance to undress all women who, in their opinion had dresses inappropriately. It was to them a means of expressing the rage at asking why their sexual appetites were being aroused and none given to them. It was when I witnessed a woman in downtown Owino Market almost being raped by a mad man as onlookers cheered on that I took my stand against this law…or some elements of it. The Minister was invited to NTV Take 5 to answer questions about the law. When asked about the noisy lads that were undressing women in the Taxi Parks and Downtown Kampala he at first criticized the practice and even said that the word Mini-Skirt was not even mentioned in the Act. This was mainly because people \had named it the Mini-Skirt bill. Then he added an uncalled for statement….That if you know what will happen why would you dress in that manner and then blame others. I was obviously angered by this and am sure all the lads who had been undressing ladies took this to be a license to carry on.
Now there is another thing about humans and Ugandans in general. That the more you refuse them from engaging in something, for some reason we look for a way of doing all we can to do that something. I had never seen so many Ugandan sex tapes before this law. First it was nudies and then people like Hellen Lukoma a Ugandan model, singer, actress, model, dancer, designer and God knows what else she has added to her line of talents and jobs of recent showed her protest by releasing her nude photo shoot. Nude pictures then started floating allover social media. Those that had been intentionally released those that claimed to have been leaked and those that had truly been leaked. Soon we had Desire Luzinda whose nude photos even invented a V pose type of photo pose, local musician  Margla, even royalty was not left out as Toro Princess Ruth Komuntale joined the list. Cindy, and the most “leaked’ Brenda Nambi because she surfaced more than twice.

Sanyu Robinah Mweruka,the news anchor at the heart of a sex tape scandal
Sex tapes have become so common on the Ugandan market that it was even used to prove homosexuality crimes against a certain FUFA official in the country who had embarked on some soccer boys jointly and severely. At first we used to gasp and wonder what the world has come to before shrugging and digging in to witness weeks of scandal and enjoying free drama as porn wrecked people’s lives. Months down the road sex tapes have become so common that an adult film industry has been set up in our city as groups on social media are even asking clients for money in exchange for sex tapes of ordinary people and of celebrities. Sex tapes have become so common that people no longer get astonished but just criticize them for instance socialite Zari Hassan who they accused of having a ‘boring’ sex tape. And Mweruka’s which they dared to complain had no audio. Early last year, students of Uganda Christian University, a university known to have archaic policies as regards their morals released a long sex tape that came to be fondly referred to as the Make It Nasty clip.  A few weeks ago a Bukedde Agataliiko Nfuufu new bulletin’s anchor was the subject of a big scandal as 2015 started with a sex tape that allegedly had her with one Kasumali in it having engaging in sexual intercourse. This was obviously scandalous as Sanyu is known to be married with children to another man one Mweruka. In a press interview she denied being the one in the tape and she interestingly said that is because she wears one ring and the woman in the video had two…what a way to identify someone! Even my 4 year old nephew can come up with a better defence. Weeks later a breakfast show host at a local English speaking radio station one Nina from Sanyu fm was also caught up in a similar scandal when her tape was leaked. From jilted lovers who leak them to hurt their exes, to talent less socialites craving for attention, or a result of hidden cameras without the knowledge of the actors or contestants, one thing is for sure…the law against pornography has contributed to this…it has provoked this reaction for they seem to be a challenge to Lokodo branding him to be a barking dog.No one has managed to be convicted as a result of the law, I mean some arrests have been made but these all just go down the drain as well. All in all is a time going to come and we look back at this period and ask…do you remember that era of sex tapes…or doom is unto us and they are here to stay??


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