Futile Quibbling

You don't have to worry yourself about nothing For fruitless concern is a barren dry gully well You can groan, wail and chant into bloody exhaustion and only attract bored mockful chuckles and rehearsed pity 'The elders' shall be too busy for all except foreplay related bothers They shall be aroused by the anguish of your hands being shredded as you croon You shall learn to find it refreshing and thrilling to party on borrowed time You don't have to hardly think about nothing You are not the first to fall prey to a con Beguiled, you naively gyrated, planned weddings and discarded your underwear to surrender it all In response to their absent minded skillful flirts, wrapped in flattery They teased you, indulged you for pastime entertainment To blame your naivety and gullibility is even less pointless You don't have to talk about nothing for speech is as futile a chore as collecting bathwater in a sisal-woven basket You'll slowly learn to also discuss, sing, moderate the debates and attempt to sculpt 'the ideal' You shall even learn to wash your tears and bathe in virulent dollars, to host endless pointless endless talks and symposiums Frown and wail not at that holy hour when these deeds no longer tug at the bleeding heartstrings of your conscience Guilt will start to merely amuse and entertain you and have you ejaculate into a thunder of playful laughter You don't have to marvel and glare at nothing For sight proof will only offend and maim what's left of your tired frustrated dignity and innocence You'll cringe to think of your children starving to shrink into repulsive dying bony frames, to stand shorter than brooms As 'the guardians' bulge to swell with grandiose and impunity to be healthier and larger than exotic pet piglets. So until such time that your indignation bears indelible tenability, Where your anger and remorse causes any change, You shall learn to rest in the knowledge that one day, You and the elders shall all be forgotten! And all your misdeeds shall be lost in historical debates and essays Baligeya nkona, oliba ogenze.

By George W Kiwanuka


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